From its corporate headquarters and distribution center in San Diego, California, as well as from stocking locations in Asia and Europe, the Tecate Group supplies high-quality ultracapacitors, capacitors, and electronic assemblies to customers worldwide.
offer millions of times more capacitance than traditional capacitors. They deliver rapid, reliable bursts of power for usands of duty cycles – even in demanding conditions.*A New St dardUltracapacitors create a new standard of energy-use optimization. They are ideal for applications ranging from wind turbines and mass
require safe, dependable, quick-burst power, over long periods of time.Seeking an alternative, many industries have embraced Maxwell Technologies’ ultracapacitors – one of today’s most efficie
Ultracapacitor systems use sustainable based products offering a long-lasting source of reliable high-power energy storage that can help eliminate lead-acid and other hazardous materials in batteries. With our UP™ line of products we are starting a power revolution. from sustainable source (coconut shells).
Tecate Group’s hybrid (lithium-ion/LIC) capacitors offer the increased voltage and energy density of batteries along with the rapid charge/discharge, environmental friendliness, longevity, and safety of ultracapacitors. Use the part finder below to locate the Tecate product that best meets your needs.
Maxwell Technologies Inc. is an American developer and manufacturer headquartered in San Diego, California. The company focuses on developing and manufacturing energy storage and power delivery products for automotive, heavy transportation, renewable energy, backup power, wireless communications and industrial and consumer electronics applications.