Leoch manufactures a wide range of Lithium Network Power Batteries to cover any telecommunications requirement. Aiming to deliver an unprecedented value to your needs, these solutions offer exceptional performance, long life, high energy density, ease of installation, and hassle-free operation for a broad spectrum of telecom applications.
REVOV’s lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries are ideal telecom base station batteries. These batteries offer reliable, cost-effective backup power for communication networks. They are significantly more efficient and last longer than lead-acid batteries.
Leoch manufactures premium Lithium batteries to cover any renewable energy requirement. Aiming to deliver a robust product portfolio that will cover your requirements in the long term, we target to offer unprecedented value to your needs.
These batteries offer reliable, cost-effective backup power for communication networks. They are significantly more efficient and last longer than lead-acid batteries. At the same time, they’re lighter and more compact, and have a modular design – an advantage for communication stations that need to install equipment in limited space.
They offer 10 to 15 years of superior performance, at much lower cost than other lithium iron batteries. They have the 16 cell automative grade configuration, which is far superior and longer lasting than the storage grade 15 cell batteries.