Electrolytic capacitors are usually expressed in terms of µ F (micro farads). Short forms for micro farad include µ F, uF, mfd, MFD, MF and UF. "µ" or "u" or "U" is shorthand for the greek letter mu which looks like a u with a tail on the left side. Mica capacitors are usually expressed in terms of pF (micromicro farads) (picofarads).
Mica capacitors are usually expressed in terms of pF (micromicro farads) (picofarads). Short forms for micromicrofarads include pF, mmfd, MMFD, MMF, uuF and PF. A pF is one-millionth of a µF. In between a pF and a µF is a nF which is one-one thousands of a µF.
Therefore, one farad is also a massive value for capacitance and is not very commonly used. The capacitance values that we use typically range from picofarads (pF) to millifarads (mF). The different units of capacitance are related as:
When reading schematic diagrams and purchasing capacitors, you often need to convert between MF, nF and MMFD. Paper and electrolytic capacitors are usually expressed in terms of MF (microfarads). Abbreviations for micro farad include MFD, mfd, uF, MF and UF. Mica capacitors are usually expressed in terms of MMFD (micromicrofarads) (picofarads).
The different units of capacitance are related as: Hence, if we want to convert between different units, say, from F to nF, we must multiply the capacitance in farads by 10^9 109. So, a capacitance of 10\ \rm F 10 F is equivalent to a capacitance of 10 \times 10^9\ \rm nF 10× 109 nF.
The first two digits are the value in picofarads, while the third is the multiplier. If no multiplier is given the result is capacitance in pF. EPCOS offers numerous options for film capacitors, inductors, circuit protection, and thermistors sample kits for engineers and customers.