Scientific Reports 14, Article number: 10126 ( 2024 ) Cite this article In a battery pack, several lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) are connected in series and parallel so that sufficient voltage, current and power can be provided for applications.
The Handbook of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Design: Chemistry, Components, Types and Terminology offers to the reader a clear and concise explanation of how Li-ion batteries are desig ... read full description
Research prospects of lithium-ion battery state-of-health estimation. Although numerous open-source lithium-ion battery aging datasets are currently available, most focus on battery cell aging experiments . Lithium-ion battery pack data acquisition with accurate SOH labels is time-consuming and expensive for laboratory tests.
Uneven electrical current distribution in a parallel-connected lithium-ion battery pack can result in different degradation rates and overcurrent issues in the cells. Understanding the electrical current dynamics can enhance configuration design and battery management of parallel connections.
Lithium-ion battery module HIs can be extracted from the charging and discharging data at both the cell and module levels. Cell and module HIs can be combined to estimate individual cell states, inconsistencies among cells, and the module SOH using data-driven models.
Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are everywhere today. introduces the topic of Li-ion batteries and Li-ion battery design to the reader and outlines the flow of the book with the intention of offering insights into the technology, the processes, and the applications for advanced batteries.