Wiring diagrams are used to represent the graphical representation of an electrical circuit and its components, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, and other electrical components. A wiring diagram panel capacitor bank is a crucial component of a wiring diagram system and is used to provide electrical power to equipment in a specific order.
The capacitor bank should has two technical drawings, namely, main circuit diagram and control circuit diagram. The main circuit diagram should provide information how to connect the capacitor bank to the supplying switchgear: There is three phase network incoming to supply the capacitor bank (Low Voltage switchgear).
Considering power capacitor with rated power of 20 kvar and rated voltage of 440V supplied by mains at Un=400V. This type of calculation is true, if there is no reactor connected in series with capacitor. Once we know the total reactive power of the capacitors, we can choose series of capacitors for PF correction.
The first capacitor in the series will have a power of 20kvar. If the remaining power will be managed in a smart way, it will be possible to reduce the cost of the power factor regulator choosing the one, that has 6 outputs instead of 12. Each capacitor by the company is described by the specific name such as CSADG or CSADP.
Since the detuning factor for the project was given as p=7%, one knows that the capacitor bank needs to be equipped with reactors. For this reason, some calculations have to be performed, in order to fit the power of the capacitors and its rated voltage taking into account reactive power of a detuning reactors.
As an example, if it was found, that in the grid there are following harmonics: 5 th, 7 th, 11 th, 13 th the LC parameters has to be selected so that the resonance frequency is included in range 174 – 210Hz (usually 189Hz). This type of filtering is being used in the automatic capacitor banks.