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How do I apply for a gas & electricity licence?

You can contact the ISU by email at [email protected]. Please download and complete the relevant gas and electricity licence application form. You must send your signed application containing all the information and documentation as set out in the relevant application regulations together with payment of the fee.

How do I become a licensed gas or electricity company?

The licences set out that the licensee must become party to and/or comply with certain industry codes. You will need to make contact with the appropriate organisations directly in order to sign up to the relevant industry codes. Information on how to become a licensed gas or electricity company.

How long does it take to get an electricity supply licence?

4.7. Applicants for an electricity supply licence are therefore expected to have made progress with the BSC and REC entry testing processes prior to making their application. Both gas and electricity suppliers are also required under the licence conditions to be DCC users. These processes can typically take 6-12 months to complete.

How do I apply for a licence?

The guidance includes an outline of the criteria we use when deciding whether to grant a licence. The Application Regulations can be found here: You must send your signed application containing all the information and documentation as set out in the relevant application regulations together with payment of the fee.

Do I need to register my energy device?

Apply for relevant energy efficiency schemes. If you are planning to install an energy device in your home or small business, you are required to register your energy device with your Distribution Network Operator (DNO), the company that is responsible for bringing electricity to the property where you are installing the device.

How do I Register energy devices?

Guidance for device owners and installers on how to register energy devices, including heat pumps and electric vehicle charge points. You must register the following energy devices with your local Distribution Network Operator: This document tells you what your responsibilities are and when you need to notify the Distribution Network Operator.

Licensed Electrical Inspector (LEI) licence | Energy Safe Victoria

The Renewable Energy (RE) Class licence is a new class of licence that came into effect on 5 April 2024. It allows a licensed electrical inspector (LEI) to inspect electricity generation …

G98 and G99 applications for Solar and Battery Storage

Every solar and battery system either needs a G98 or G99 application with the DNO. Find out …

How to apply for approval as a Battery Treatment Operator or Battery ...

An approved battery treatment operator (ABTO) is a person with sites in the UK where treatment and recycling of waste batteries is carried out, and who has been granted approval by the

Applying for a gas or electricity licence

Applying for a gas or electricity licence This guidance document is for people who want to know …

DNO Application For Solar Panels

Our in-house solar energy team at NXTGEN Energy will handle any DNO applications for you, so you wont have to worry about your DNO application form. What does DNO stand for? DNO is short for Distribution …

Consents and planning applications for national energy infrastructure ...

the Orders will have the effect that new applications for all onshore wind farms in England and Wales, including those which are in the pre-application stage of the Planning Act …

Your DNO Solar Application | Step-by-step guide

Anyone with a solar PV installation of up to 5MW (megawatts) in Britain can apply to the SEG scheme which allows them to receive payments for electricity they export to …

Your DNO Solar Application | Step-by-step guide

Anyone with a solar PV installation of up to 5MW (megawatts) in Britain can apply to the SEG scheme which allows them to receive payments for electricity they export to the grid. Ofgem provides advice on how to join the …

End of life vehicles (ELVs): guidance for waste sites

An ELV is a vehicle that is classed as waste. Waste is anything you discard, intend to discard or are required to discard. This includes metal you send for reuse or …

Driving licences

Driving licences Apply for, renew or update your licence, view or share your driving licence, add new categories

How to become a licensed gas or electricity company | Ofgem

Prior to filling out the application form you must read our licence application guidance document. The guidance includes an outline of the criteria we use when deciding …

Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Scheme

To receive Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) Scheme payments, you''ll first need to apply directly to an energy supplier which offers a SEG tariff. Energy suppliers who offer …

How to become a licensed gas or electricity company | Ofgem

Please download and complete the relevant gas and electricity licence …

How to register energy devices in homes or small businesses: …

Step 6: Apply for relevant energy efficiency schemes. The following energy efficiency schemes are available for heat pumps: Green Homes Grant: apply before …

How to register energy devices in homes or small businesses

You must register the following energy devices with your local Distribution …

Applying for a gas or electricity licence

Applying for a gas or electricity licence This guidance document is for people who want to know how to make a gas or electricity licence application, including applications for...

How to apply for approval as a Battery Treatment Operator or …

An approved battery treatment operator (ABTO) is a person with sites in the UK where …

More regulation coming to battery energy storage

DEFRA is planning to bring battery energy storage systems (BESS) into the environmental permitting regime. However, some operators may be unaware that they may be subject to it already, putting themselves in …

G98 and G99 applications for Solar and Battery Storage

Every solar and battery system either needs a G98 or G99 application with the DNO. Find out which application you need and how you can avoid long wait times!

More regulation coming to battery energy storage

DEFRA is planning to bring battery energy storage systems (BESS) into the environmental permitting regime. However, some operators may be unaware that they may be …

How To Apply | Charge Up New Jersey

Before applying for Charge Up New Jersey, you must confirm your eligibility for the program. You may qualify for one of two EV incentives: Charge Up ($2,000) or Charge Up+ ($4,000). To …

DNO Application For Solar Panels

Our in-house solar energy team at NXTGEN Energy will handle any DNO applications for you, so you wont have to worry about your DNO application form. What does …

Waste: environmental permits

Added information about the new pre-application advice service people can use if they need help with their permit application. 13 January 2017 Link provided for forms MPD1 - …

Approved batteries | Clean Energy Council

Lithium-based battery system (BS) and battery energy storage system (BESS) products can be included on the Approved Products List. These products are assessed using the first three methods outlined in the Battery Safety Guide …

Waste batteries: treat, recycle and export

A small waste battery treatment operator or waste battery exporter is one that has, in the year the charge is payable, planned to: issue no more than 15 tonnes of waste …

How to register energy devices in homes or small businesses

You must register the following energy devices with your local Distribution Network Operator: heat pumps; battery storage; electric vehicle charge points; solar PV