Never charge a primary (disposable lithium or alkaline) battery; store one-time use batteries separately. Charge or discharge the battery to approximately 50% of capacity before long-term storage. Use chargers or charging methods designed to charge in a safe manner cells or battery packs at the specified parameters.
In order to prevent accidents related to the charging safety of electric vehicles and ensure proper safety of passengers and people, the charging safety and charging safety protection methods of electric vehicles have become the research priorities for scholars.
Implementing safety measures, such as building battery safety awareness, proper design and manufacturing, adequate ventilation, thermal management, and regular safety studies, can support in reducing the potential for accidents.
At the end of the charging process, once the actual output voltage of the battery reaches the set voltage threshold, the BMS will send a signal to stop the charging . Any failure of the BMS may lead to battery overcharge, even equipment fire or battery explosion, and thus burning of the charging pile.
The on-board lithium-ion battery can be charged by conduction. The process of the energy supply system supplying energy to electric vehicles through charging piles, cables, charging guns and other components is known as conductive charging, which is the most widely used and energy-efficient charging mode .
In addition, the status monitoring frequency and status identification accuracy of equipment inside the charging pile should be improved, and regular inspection and maintenance efforts should be strengthened, so as to reduce the probability of risk caused by aging. 3.3. Charging Safety Evaluation Index System and Early Warning Model