Each battery is grid connected through a dedicated 630 kW inverter. The lead–acid batteries are both tubular types, one flooded with lead-plated expanded copper mesh negative grids and the other a VRLA battery with gelled electrolyte.
The lead–acid battery is an old system, and its aging processes have been thoroughly investigated. Reviews regarding aging mechanisms, and expected service life, are found in the monographs by Bode and Berndt , and elsewhere , . The present paper is an up-date, summarizing the present understanding.
Lead acid batteries may be more appropriate in cost-sensitive applications with lower energy and power density needs, while lithium batteries offer superior performance in applications requiring higher efficiency, longer cycle life, and increased energy and power densities.
Such batteries may achieve routinely 1500 cycles, to a depth-of-discharge of 80 % at C /5. With valve-regulated lead–acid batteries, one obtains up to 800 cycles. Standard SLI batteries, on the other hand, will generally not even reach 100 cycles of this type. 4. Irreversible formation of lead sulfate in the active mass (crystallization, sulfation)
Lead batteries cover a range of different types of battery which may be flooded and require maintenance watering or valve-regulated batteries and only require inspection.
Ongoing investigations will further explore applications like grid-scale energy storage, propelling the continuous evolution of lithium battery technologies.Both lead-acid and lithium-based systems are well-positioned in their respective niche areas, signaling their sustained relevance.