The standard charging protocol for lithium-ion batteries is constant current constant voltage (CCCV) charging. In addition to this, several alternative charging protocols can be found in literature. Section 2 will provide an overview on the different categories of charging protocols and their specific characteristics.
Our experimental cycle life study on charging protocols for lithium-ion batteries has shown that a sophisticated study design is essential for separating the effects of different parameters on the performance of charging protocols.
Abstract: This paper presents the overview of charging algorithms for lithium-ion batteries, which include constant current-constant voltage (CC/CV), variants of the CC/CV, multistage constant current, pulse current and pulse voltage. The CC/CV charging algorithm is well developed and widely adopted in charging lithium-ion batteries.
As the CCCV protocol is the standard charging protocol for lithium-ion batteries, it serves as a baseline in our study. For all three cell models examined our study, the CCCV protocol is the charging procedure recommended by the manufacturer. Extensive parameter variations were performed for the charging current Ich and the charging voltage Vch.
When exploring optimization strategies for lithium-ion battery charging, it is crucial to thoroughly consider various factors related to battery application characteristics, including temperature management, charging efficiency, energy consumption control, and charging capacity, which are pivotal aspects.
Capacity utilization and efficiency have even been lower for pulsed charging. All in all, the conventional CCCV protocol is an excellent starting basis for an optimized charging method for lithium-ion batteries. Pulse charging can be beneficial, when higher losses are desired, e.g., for heating up a battery at cold temperatures .