Solar companies are in a growth period, thanks to financial incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. NextEra Energy, First Solar, and Enphase Energy are the top three solar companies, based on market cap. List leader NextEra Energy had a market cap of $151.19 billion as of June 2024. 1. NextEra Energy (NEE)
The major players maintained their leading positions throughout the list. The top four were LONGi, Jinko, Trina and JA Solar, the same order as last year. Chint (Astonergy), Tongwei, Canadian Solar, Risen Solar, DAS Solar, GCL SI and First Solar were among the top five to ten.
China now manufactures more than half of the world's solar photovoltaics. Its production has been rapidly escalating. In 2001 it had less than 1% of the world market. In contrast, in 2001 Japan and the United States combined had over 70% of world production. By 2011 they produced around 15%.
The top solar company is NextEra Energy with a market cap of $151.19 billion. All of the companies in our top 10 list have a market cap of at least $2.96 billion. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work.
You can also check out the top 10 best solar Panels in India. 1. JinkoSolar JinkoSolar is currently one of the world’s largest solar energy companies and top solar panel manufacturers.
In terms of solar module by capacity, the 2011 global top ten are Suntech, LDK, Canadian Solar, Trina, Yingli, Hanwha Solar One, Solar World, Jinko Solar, Sunneeg and Sunpower, represented by makers in People's Republic of China and Germany.