Install your energy storage systems quickly, safely, and cost-effectively for applications up to 1,500 V – with pluggable battery connections via busbar connection or via battery pole connector. Benefit from the advantages of both connection technologies for front or rear connection.
Conduct an analysis of the customer’s current energy costs based on customer electricity bills. Depending on the purpose of the battery energy storage system, include a description of how the proposed battery energy storage system is expected to impact/change the customer energy usage and electricity costs.
Any bollards required to be installed in front of battery energy storage system. Safety exclusion zone around battery energy storage system if required. Location of main switchboard. Any other existing NET on site.
Provide a hardcopy and electronic copy of the battery energy storage system SDS. Provide a copy of NETCC consumer information guide. Provide customer with the name and licence/accreditation number of the tradesperson who designed/signed off on the installation.
Special connection technology optimized for use in storage systems is required in order to connect these storage systems quickly, safely, and efficiently. Busbar connections and battery-pole connectors for battery storage systems are safe and cost-effective. Find out more here in the video.
Any customer obligations required for the battery energy storage system to be installed/operated such as maintaining an internet connection for remote monitoring of system performance or ensuring unobstructed access to the battery energy storage system for emergency situations. A copy of the product brochure/data sheet.