The share of thermal power plants is 318 MW or about 6.1%. Annual electricity generation in the Tajik energy system, consisting mainly of hydro power plants, is 16.5 billion kWh.It should be noted that more than 98% of electricity in Tajikistan is generated by hydropower plants, including 97% - by large and medium HPP.
Tajikistan endowed with rich hydropower resources, hydro potential is estimated to be 527 billion kWh per year. In technical terms, the waterpower resources of Tajikistan have good prospects for the development and consist of 317 billion kWh per year of which only 4-5% has been used so far.
Today the electricity tariff of 2.32 U.S.cents/1 kWh has a social orientation for the population in the Republic of Tajikistan. The state partially subsidizes the household electricity tariffs increasing the electricity tariff for all other consumers.
Currently, there are 11 large and medium hydropower plants in the Republic of Tajikistan and nearly 300 small hydro power plants with total capacity of 132 MW. In 2009 we adopted the updated program for the construction of small hydropower plants. The program envisages the construction of 189 sHPPs with total capacity of 103.6 MW.
Besides hydropower resources Tajikistan has substantial coal with estimated reserves of 4.5 billion tons.
With total revenues (10,160,600 thousand TJS) of the State Budget of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2012, 1.54 billion TJS or 15.2% of the total budget of the country was allocated for the development of the fuel and energy sector.