Many customers aim to utilize motors in conjunction with a battery power supply. This power supply ranges from basic designs to complex portable devices. This article will look at some of the most often asked questions we receive from battery users.
One key motor performance parameter to consider in a battery-powered application is efficiency. Maximizing motor efficiency helps minimize the required power capacity and hence the size and cost of the battery solution. For this reason, brushless DC (BLDC) motors are preferred over brushed DC motors but are typically higher in price.
There are various factors that determine the power supply of an EV motor. They are essentially divided into four categories: voltage, electrical capacity, characteristics, and safety. Lithium-ion batteries are the mainstream battery cells for EVs, although they only provide 3.6 V per cell.
An essential criteria in battery selection is making sure that the battery will not only supply the motor’s voltage and current requirements when fully charged, but also continue to meet those requirements as it approaches full discharge.
If you could convert the single battery's voltage to motor voltage at 100% efficiency (& you cant) then current at current = Power/Volts = 8200W/3.2V =~ 2500 A. (!!!!) . 10 cells in series give you 10 x the run time (30+ minutes) at 1/10th the current (250A) and you are beginning to get realistic. Beginning. ...
For example, while a 3V motor will likely run from a 1.5V AA battery but you will get better performance connecting two AA batteries in series to create a 3V supply. Conversely, if the motor is rated at 1.5V using a 3V battery runs the risk of immediate damage to the motor (as would anything above the Maximum Operating Voltage).