N-Type technology revolutionizes solar cells with higher efficiency, reduced degradation, and stability, promising superior performance and sustainability in solar energy applications.
N-type silicon- the better material choice for industrial high-efficiency solar cells. 22th EU-PVSEC Italy: Milan. Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 158 (2016), pp. 24 - 28 Zhao, J.H., Wang, A.H., Altermatt, P.P., Green, M.A., Rakotoniaina, J.P., Breitenstein, O., 2002. High efficiency PERT cells on n-type silicon substrates.
Future high efficiency silicon solar cells are expected to be based on n-type monocrystalline wafers. Cell and module photovoltaic conversion efficiency increases are required to contribute to lower cost per watt peak and to reduce balance of systems cost.
There is no LID (Light Induced Degradation) related to Boron and Oxygen, therefore TOPCon modules will have less power degradation. TOPCon technology is a breakthrough in photovoltaic efficiency. Several solar module companies have already upgraded their production lines, with more planning to do so soon.
N-Type technology shines in this regard, offering remarkable resistance to common degradation mechanisms that affect solar cells. Light Induced Degradation (LID) and Potential Induced Degradation (PID) are two phenomena that can significantly reduce the performance of P-Type solar cells over time.
The theoretical efficiency of N-type TOPCon cells can reach 28.7%, and the theoretical efficiency of heterojunction cells can reach 27.5%. TOPCon technology is a technology based on the “N-type cell” process, and continues to develop the “tunneling through oxide layer passivation contact”.