All rechargeable batteries degrade over time. Lead acid and sealed lead acid batteries are no exception. The question is, what exactly happens that causes lead acid batteries to die? This article assumes you have an understanding of the internal structure and make up of lead acid batteries.
If lead acid batteries are cycled too deeply their plates can deform. Starter batteries are not meant to fall below 70% state of charge and deep cycle units can be at risk if they are regularly discharged to below 50%. In flooded lead acid batteries this can cause plates to touch each other and lead to an electrical short.
Nowadays modern plastics are impervious to acid so there is no risk of this happening. Myth: It is okay to store lead acid batteries anywhere inside or outside. Fact: It is good to store lead acid batteries in cool places because the self-discharge is lower but be careful not to freeze the battery.
In both flooded lead acid and absorbent glass mat batteries the buckling can cause the active paste that is applied to the plates to shed off, reducing the ability of the plates to discharge and recharge. Acid stratification occurs in flooded lead acid batteries which are never fully recharged.
If you are not familiar with lead acid batteries, see our article What is a lead acid battery. Ironically one of the most common reasons for battery failure is not an actual failure of the battery itself, it is people thinking the battery is dead.
Myth: The worst thing you can do is overcharge a lead acid battery. Fact: The worst thing you can do is under-charge a lead acid battery. Regularly under-charging a battery will result in sulfation with permanent loss of capacity and plate corrosion rates upwards of 25x normal.