3. Development trends of power batteries 3.1. Sodium-ion battery (SIB) exhibiting a balanced and extensive global distribu tion. Correspondin gly, the price of related raw materials is low, and the environmental impact is benign. Importantly, both sodium and lithium ions, and –3.05 V, respectively.
As EV sales continue to increase in today’s major markets in China, Europe and the United States, as well as expanding across more countries, demand for EV batteries is also set to grow quickly. In the STEPS, EV battery demand grows four-and-a-half times by 2030, and almost seven times by 2035 compared to 2023.
Stationary storage will also increase battery demand, accounting for about 400 GWh in STEPS and 500 GWh in APS in 2030, which is about 12% of EV battery demand in the same year in both the STEPS and the APS. IEA. Licence: CC BY 4.0 Battery production has been ramping up quickly in the past few years to keep pace with increasing demand.
As manufacturing capacity expands in the major electric car markets, we expect battery production to remain close to EV demand centres through to 2030, based on the announced pipeline of battery manufacturing capacity expansion as of early 2024.
In 2022, about 60% of lithium, 30% of cobalt and 10% of nickel demand was for EV batteries. Just five years earlier, in 2017, these shares were around 15%, 10% and 2%, respectively.
Battery technology first tipped in consumer electronics, then two- and three-wheelers and cars. Now trucks and battery storage are set to follow. By 2030, batteries will likely be taking market share in shipping and aviation too. Exhibit 3: The battery domino effect by sector