The design is known as a solar array. A string consists of solar panels that are wired in a series set to one input on a solar string inverter. In case two or more solar panels are wired together, that is a solar / PV array. String sizing depicts how many solar panels can be wired to an inverter to obtain the best results.
A solar panel, or we can say a PV module, is made up of several cells, where multiple solar panels are wired in a series or parallel. The design is known as a solar array. A string consists of solar panels that are wired in a series set to one input on a solar string inverter.
The set of photovoltaic modules connected in series is what is known as a PV string, and therefore the formation of a photovoltaic string is crucial for the production of solar energy.
1. Calculating maximum string size The maximum number of solar panels you can connect in a string is determined by the maximum input voltage of your inverter or charge controller. You can find this value on the inverter datasheet. If the maximum input voltage of your inverter is exceeded on a cold day, the inverter can be damaged.
Min String Size = 15 modules The maximum string size is the maximum number of PV modules that can be connected in series and maintain a maximum PV voltage below the maximum allowed input voltage of the inverter. This is considered a safety concern and is addressed by NEC 690.7 (A) Photovoltaic Source and Output Circuits.
Solarus AB PVT cell strings contain 38 solar cells connected in series. Solar cells in the concentrated side of the collector are shaded due to the presence of the aluminium frame of the PVT collector. The effects of shading and of non-uniform illumination are minimized by including bypass diodes.