The battery internal resistance tester is a measuring instrument used to measure the internal resistance, voltage, and temperature of rechargeable batteries such as lead-acid batteries and lithium batteries to judge the health status of the battery. It can also be used as an instrument to measure the ESR parameters of electrolytic capacitors.
Battery internal resistance measurement is a reliable procedure for battery condition assessment that is done within seconds. Combined with cell voltage and intercell connection resistance measurement, the test determines the state of health of batteries.
Combined with cell voltage and intercell connection resistance measurement, the test determines the state of health of batteries. Internal resistance represents the battery’s limiting factor to deliver the required current and/or supply the required energy.
The following models are used in internal resistance testing in battery cell production processes. *1: Available to convert the 4-terminal pair measurement of BT4560 to 4-terminal measurement with the conversion plug. *3: Special specification of 0.01 Hz to 10 kHz.
Internal resistance testing is carried out at each process after battery cells are filled with electrolyte and their assembly completed (charge/discharge testing, aging testing, shipping inspections, etc.). There are two methods for measuring internal resistance: the AC method (AC-IR) and the DC method (DC-IR).
To ensure accurate measurements of internal resistance, we recommend the following guidelines: Temperature Control: Keep the battery at approximately room temperature (25°C ±2°C) prior to testing. Discharge to 50% SoC: Aim for a 50% state of charge for more precise results.