Loose lithium batteries cannot be shipped to Iraq. Please purchase lithium batteries only if they are installed in, or shipped with, a device they power. MyUS is able to transport dangerous goods via DHL to Iraq, but DHL reports delivery delays for shipments containing these goods.
The replacement cost for a lithium battery is 19.99. However, there is a problem with fast charging for lithium batteries, as well as to a lesser extent for NiMh and NiCd batteries. The cost is not an issue due to the fast charging speed offered by the Bauer chargers, which charge the batteries in 30 minutes.
According to the DOE, the cost of a lithium-ion EV battery was 89 percent lower in 2022 than it was in 2008, and this trend is continuing as production volume increases and battery technology advances. Still, even with the drop in costs for EV battery packs, the cost to replace a battery pack could range from around $7,000 to nearly $30,000.
Rare metals like nickel, cobalt, lithium, and manganese are challenging to source and expensive to mine, but they are integral to current battery production. With lithium used in batteries for high-performance electronic devices and electric vehicles, demand can cause shortages, further driving up the costs.
Still, even with the drop in costs for EV battery packs, the cost to replace a battery pack could range from around $7,000 to nearly $30,000. While some reasons for battery replacement – accidents or overall age – are out of the owner's control, there are some things that an EV owner can do to extend the life of their EV battery.
How Often Do They Need Changing? The current estimate is that an EV car battery will last from between 10 to 20 years before needing to be replaced. Having said this, needing to pay over £8,000 for a new Tesla Model S battery every 10-20 years would likely encourage most to stick to their petrol and diesel engine vehicles.