If the Chromebook is very low on charge it may just need to charge. Let it sit plugged in and charging for around four hours. I suggest leaving it plugged in over night. Try turning it on in the morning. Fix #5: Disconnect Battery And Power-Cycle (Advanced)
Although the battery indicator light is off, a smaller than normal charge current is being sent. Charge the laptop for at least 10 minutes, or for up to 24 hours. When a Chromebook is used for the first time, if a white LED near the AC power connector blinks, the battery is still in shipping mode.
Lights turn on: Proceed to the next step. The Chromebook not charging might indicate that the battery is in a deep discharge state. Although the battery indicator light is off, a smaller than normal charge current is being sent. Charge the laptop for at least 10 minutes, or for up to 24 hours.
Google's browser seems to eat quite a bit of battery life, particularly on Macs. It's also very memory hungry, which can hurt PCs with low amounts of RAM. Here's how to minimize the damage. Chrome normally continues running in the background, even after you close it.
It’s also handy — a must, even, IMO — before buying a used Chromebook. And it’s actually quite easy to do if you know where to look for the information. First is the battery health indicator, which is a command you run in a crosh terminal. To do this, press ctrl + alt + t on your keyboard, which opens up crosh.
Here's how to make Google Chrome consume less battery: One of the most useful tips is to avoid having a large number of tabs open at the same time to save battery life using Chrome.