PROBLEM FORMULATION We consider a microgrid of buildings as depicted in Fig. 1. In the microgrid, each building is equipped with distributed renewable energy (DRE), hydrogen energy storage (HES) and charging piles. The building should provide charging service and keep load balance.
In this paper, the EV charging scheduling problem in a microgrid of buildings is studied to optimize the total operation cost of the microgrid while ensuring its transmission safety. The MDP formulation is introduced to represent the uncertain supply and EV charging demand in the buildings.
The charge control of each EV is implemented into two steps. Firstly, the microgrid operator controller decides a parametric charge ratio αk t as the event-based action, i.e., ak = αk ∈ [0, 1]. In this way, the total charge power for each building can be described as follows, pk = [nk . As the charge ratio αk
In , a transactive real-time EV charging management scheme is proposed to coordinate EV charging with the distributed photovoltaic (PV) generation in the building. However, few works consider the EV charging control in a microgrid of buildings to avoid homogeneous charging actions.
A microgrid (MG) system based on a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) with the real-time price (RTP) demand response and distribution network is proposed to deal with uncertainties.
If all these charging piles are occupied, the charging states and charging actions will be high-dimension and increase exponentially with the number of EVs. This makes it difficult to find an optimal charging control policy for this problem. Third, the limitation on the aggregated charging power in a microgrid of buildings.