The IEA Photovoltaic Power Systems Technology Collaboration Programme, which advocates for solar PV energy as a cornerstone of the transition to sustainable energy systems. It conducts various collaborative projects relevant to solar PV technologies and systems to reduce costs, analyse barriers and raise awareness of PV electricity’s potential.
This innovative 192 MW solar facility uses ABB switchgear and power protection equipment to ensure the reliable integration of the plant's electricity into the grid, even across vast distances. Before anyone can deploy, integrate or optimize renewable energy sources, the underlying infrastructure must be built.
A low energy demand scenario for meeting the 1.5 °C target and sustainable development goals without negative emission technologies. Nat. Energy 3, 515–527 (2018). Victoria, M. et al. Solar photovoltaics is ready to power a sustainable future. Joule vol. 5 1041–1056 (Cell Press, 2021). Nemet, G.
Solar power is generated in two main ways: Solar photovoltaic (PV) uses electronic devices, also called solar cells, to convert sunlight directly into electricity. It is one of the fastest-growing renewable energy technologies and is playing an increasingly important role in the global energy transformation.
Power generation from solar PV increased by a record 270 TWh in 2022, up by 26% on 2021. Solar PV accounted for 4.5% of total global electricity generation, and it remains the third largest renewable electricity technology behind hydropower and wind.
About 125 GW of new solar PV capacity was added in 2020, the largest capacity addition of any renewable energy source. Solar PV is highly modular and ranges in size from small solar home kits and rooftop installations of 3-20 kW capacity, right up to systems with capacity in the hundreds of megawatts.