Nevertheless, there are some basic steps that are required for the disassembly of a battery system. These are: 1. Opening of the battery system, i.e. removal of the cover 2. Cutting of the electrical connections between the battery modules and the electronic components 3.
Example of a basic battery pack design together with the most relevant components. In most cases, disassembly begins with opening the battery pack. Either the housing cover or the switch box is removed first, depending on whether the latter is located on the outside of the housing cover.
The disassembly of lithium-ion battery systems from automotive applications is a complex and therefore time and cost consuming process due to a wide variety of the battery designs, flexible components like cables, and potential dangers caused by high voltage and the chemicals contained in the battery cells.
As automation of the battery disassembly process must always be seen in relation to the subsequent purposes, the potential degree of automation according to the respective 3R scenario (Reuse, Remanufacturing/Refurbishment, and Recycling) was also discussed with the experts.
5. Conclusions Using the example of the Audi Q5 Hybrid battery system, a planning approach for the disassembly of electric vehicle batteries has been demonstrated. Based on a priority matrix, a disassembly sequence for the Q5 battery system has been derived.
The analysis highlights that a complete automatic disassembly remains difficult, while human-robot collaborative disassembly guarantees high flexibility and productivity. The paper introduces guidelines for designing a robotic cell to disassemble a battery pack with the support of an operator.