The internal resistance of a lead-acid cell is typically quite small, but most dry cells have an appreciable internal resistance. If the external resistance is R R and the internal resistance is r r, the total resistance of the circuit is R + r R + r, so that the current that flows is E/(R + r) / (R + r).
The total cell potential of the car battery is 12 Volts, although the potential of lead-acid is 2 Volts because the car battery consists of 6 cells of 2 volts per each, which are connected in series, The container of the lead-acid battery made from solid rubber or plastic because it is not affected by acids like sulphuric acid.
The secondary cells are considered as a battery which stores the electrical energy because it can be discharged by converting the chemical energy into electrical energy when it is needed and it can be recharged by passing an electric current from an external source.
A lead storage battery is the oldest type of rechargeable battery and one of the most common energy storage devices. Although the batteries are reliable, they have a limited life, are heavy to ship, and contain toxic materials that require specific removal methods at the end of their useful life.
The electric potential increases the emf of the battery due to the chemical reactions doing work on the charges. There is a decrease in the electric potential in the battery due to the internal resistance. The potential decreases due to the internal resistance − Ir, making the terminal voltage of the battery equal to (ϵ − Ir).
Lead-acid batteries have moderate power density and good response time. Depending on the power conversion technology incorporated, batteries can go from accepting energy to supplying energy instantaneously. Lead-acid batteries are affected by temperature and must be maintained in order to achieve maximum life expectancy.