Application scenarios of energy storage technologies are reviewed, taking into consideration their impacts on power generation, transmission, distribution and utilization. The general status in different applications is outlined and summarized.
The development of energy storage technologies is crucial for addressing the volatility of RE generation and promoting the transformation of the power system.
Throughout this concise review, we examine energy storage technologies role in driving innovation in mechanical, electrical, chemical, and thermal systems with a focus on their methods, objectives, novelties, and major findings. As a result of a comprehensive analysis, this report identifies gaps and proposes strategies to address them.
As a flexible power source, energy storage has many potential applications in renewable energy generation grid integration, power transmission and distribution, distributed generation, micro grid and ancillary services such as frequency regulation, etc.
The application scenarios of energy storage technologies are reviewed and investigated, and global and Chinese potential markets for energy storage applications are described. The challenges of large-scale energy storage application in power systems are presented from the aspect of technical and economic considerations.
Energy storage is not a new technology. The earliest gravity-based pumped storage system was developed in Switzerland in 1907 and has since been widely applied globally. However, from an industry perspective, energy storage is still in its early stages of development.