Among metal-based phase change materials (PCMs), Al and its alloys have garnered significant attention due to their high latent heat and high thermal conductivity. However, challenges such as leakage, corrosion, and oxidation have limited their widespread application.
... Other promising metallic phase change materials for thermal storage applications such as Al -12.5 wt% Si and Al -25.86 wt% Cu -6.5 wt% Si have heat capacity values in the range of 0.91-1.11 kJ/ kg K [14, 34] which is comparable.
Finally, current challenges, potential solutions, and the key direct of future study are presented. The authors declare no conflict of interest. Abstract Among metal-based phase change materials (PCMs), Al and its alloys have garnered significant attention due to their high latent heat and high thermal conductivity.
X.B. Li, H. Wang, D.Z. Wang, Z.Y. Wang, J.W. Zhou, K. Esfarjani, Z.F. Ren, G. Chen, Metallic alloy and compound phase change materials for high-temperature thermal energy storage, to be published. Å. John Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci., 1 ( 1996), pp. 355 - 360
Six compositions of aluminum (Al) and silicon (Si) based materials: 87.8Al-12.2Si, 80Al-20Si, 70Al-30Si, 60Al-40Si, 45Al-40Si-15Fe, and 17Al-53Si-30Ni (atomic ratio), were investigated for potentially high thermal energy storage (TES) application from medium to high temperatures (550∼1200 °C) through solid-liquid phase change.
As the latent heat and thermal conductivity are the pivotal properties for the PCM used in solar thermal energy industry, the results of this paper indicate that Al and Si based materials can provide large heat storage and fast charging and discharging. 5. Conclusions