In this part of the lab you will be given 3 di erent capacitors, jumping wires, a breadboard, a multimeter and a capacimeter. You will investigate how capacitors behave in series and parallel and how voltages are distributed in capacitor circuits. With the given materials, complete the following tasks:
Date of Submission: 19th March 2015. Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the charging and the discharging of a capacitor. In this experiment a capacitor is charged and discharged and the time taken is recorded at equal intervals. Objective: To investigate the charge and the discharge of a capacitor.
Charging and Discharging of a Capacitor Lab Report. Super capacitor power bank is a charge storage device composed of normal electrolytic capacitors. As the name suggests it can perform exactly like a charge storage cell. In addition to that it can provide multiple output power options and LDO output for small power applications.
The charging and discharging time is one of the crucial factors in the calculation of charge in the device. The charging time of the capacitor is very small and discharging time will be very high. Since we can block the discharging path then the discharging time can be increased to two to three days.
The first capacitor was called Leyden Jar, which was invented by Ewald Jurgen von Kleist in 1745 and produced by Pieter van Musschenbroek in 1746. The Leyden jar was not a complex device. (See Fig) Its main body is a glass jar lined in and out with metal film. The glass acted as the dielectric. There was half filled water inside the jar.
The time constant is given by the relation: τ=RC where R=Resistance∈ohms (Ω)∧C=Capacitance∈farads (F) Also, the voltage (V) at any time (t) across the capacitor depends on the final voltage (V 0 ) value across the capacitor following the following formula: But, at half-life time, the value of the capacitor voltage is half the final voltage.