In the conventional lithium-ion battery electrode preparation process, wet coating technology is widely used. Coating means depositing the electrode active material, such as LFP, on a conductive aluminum or copper foil.
This approach is important not only for lithium-ion battery electrodes, but has applications in many other disciplines, such as coated paper making , catalysts designs and printed electronics . Greater access to measurements, and data, from the process will enable real-time control and optimisation of the coating process.
mThe Coating Process—Slot-Die Against a Backing RollTo ensure optimum battery performance, ever step in the coating process must be tightly controlled. Slot-die coating against a backing roll is the most common met od for applying lithium-ion and supercapacitor slurries. Mixing conditions and the related equipment have a strong impa
Dry coating technology, as an emerging fabrication process for lithium-ion batteries, with the merits of reducing energy consumption, reducing manufacturing cost, increasing production speed and capability of producing clean, high-capacity electrodes, is gradually attracting more and more attention.
ly allows coating battery electrodes one side at a time. This requires two separate passes through the same coating line, whereby a s cond coating station is installed after the drying oven. However, a mor eficient method is to coat both sides in a single pass. This can be accomplished in two different ways: 1) with a sequential or ta
Figure 3: Schematic diagram of the dry coating method for electrode fabrication process (Morris, 2023). The dry coating process is an emerging electrode processing technology without using any solvents during the entire process (see Figure 3).