The above diagram indicates the basic concept of a solar air heater, and while there are many designs, the basic principle is the same - a small fan feeds interior air into a south-facing wall-mounted panel. Air is heated as it passes behind a black surface and is then returned to the conditioned space at a much higher temperature.
This is a DIY solar air heater that is very easy to build. It uses transparent acrylic sheets as the outer layer of the airflow duct and has an inner layer, which can be painted black to prevent heat loss. This design is cleverly simple and looks stunning.
DIY solar air heater videos are a big hit on YouTube, with a couple of main staple ideas - recycled pop can solar collectors, downspout solar collectors, screen or sheet metal solar collectors. If you don't have it in you to make one yourself, solar air heaters for sale are also available online for purchase with a bit of internet digging.
If you're looking for a solar air heater to warm a building with no power, you can gain heat simply through natural convection as warm air rises, but you will get much more heat by forcing air through it with a fan.
You can use these solar air heaters to heat rooms in your home or even an entire house during the winter season. Do-it-yourself solar air heaters are an excellent alternative to expensive solar water heating systems. Solar air heating collectors can be easily built with common tools and materials available at your local hardware store.
To choose the downspout panel option for a diy solar air heater panel build, be sure to use metal and not plastic, and if it has a glossy finish it would be worth it to paint it matt black. Home performance: How much heat a house needs to keep occupants warm is determined by how much it loses.