Residual heat and electricity from PV and PETE are used for H 2 generation in SOEC. Solar exergy efficiency and STH efficiency are up to 55.99% and 29.61%. The integration of solar photovoltaic (PV) cell and high-temperature electrolysis cell to produce hydrogen is a promising means of solar energy storage and hydrogen harvesting.
Finally, trends in research in PEC cells for solar hydrogen production are detailed. Harnessing solar energy for the production of clean hydrogen fuels by a photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell represents a very attractive but challenging alternative.
Powering the PEC cells with solar driven photovoltaic (PV) devices offers an all-clean efficient technology purely relying on renewable sources and therefore warrants large research attention. This review aims to provide an up to date account of the PV-PEC integrated technology for green hydrogen.
The solution-processed thin film based devices like organic solar cells, dye-sensitised solar cells/DSSC, or Perovskite solar cells (PSC) could be alternatives to costly wafer-based PV for scalable high efficiency (PCE) devices.
In this article, we have reviewed the current status of integrated photovoltaic and photoelectrocatalytic technologies for the clean production of hydrogen fuel from water. Generally, PV-PEC design is more efficient and cheaper as solar energy is utilized at more than one steps unlike PV-EC designs.
Novel solar hydrogen and heat cogeneration system based on PVT is proposed. Power is generated in a wide temperature range by the combination of PV and PETE. Thermodynamic analyses of PV cell, PETE, and SOEC are conducted. Residual heat and electricity from PV and PETE are used for H 2 generation in SOEC.