A capacitor bank improves the power factor of a PV plant by supplying reactive power to compensate for the lagging current caused by inductive loads in the system. To understand this, let's first clarify what power factor is.
In the distribution systems, the power factor correction capacitors are usually installed on thepoles. These installations are similar to the pole-mounted distribution transformers. The interconnections are made using insulated power cables. Pole-mounted capacitor banks can be fixed units or switched units to meet the varying load conditions.
Capacitors store and release electrical energy in response to changes in voltage. When connected to the system, capacitors supply reactive power, which leads the current, effectively compensating for the lagging current caused by inductive loads.
Distribution capacitors areinstalled close to the load, on the poles, or at the substations. Although these capacitor units provide reactive power support to local load, they may not help reduce the feeder and transformer losses. Low voltage capacitor units are cheaper than high voltage capacitor banks.
The capacitor bank is installed close to the loadto provide reactive power locally. In a system in which a large number of small equipment are compensated, the reactive power demand may fluctuate, depending on the load. During off-peak load condition, the capacitor bank voltage may go up and hence overcompensation should be avoided.
A capacitor bank is a collection of several capacitors connected together in series or parallel to store and release electrical energy. In a photovoltaic (PV) plant, a capacitor bank plays a crucial role in maintaining power quality and stability within the electrical systems. Mainly, the capacitor banks will serve for: 1. Power Factor Correction.