4.3.1 String Welding Procedures during Solar Panel Production Follow these procedures when string welding a solar panel: Check for the defects on the cell. These include improper angle, lack of edge, and the poor state of the welding belt. Put the solar panel cell into the material box and start to circulate.
The first phase in a photovoltaic module manufacturing line is joining the solar cells, which is done by a solar tabber and stringer, a totally automatic machine able to optimise the very delicate phase of stringing and tabbing.
By purchasing a solar tabber and stringer, your company will reduce working time and maximise performance of the entire photovoltaic module manufacturing line. Ecoprogetti Srl offers its customers the ET700 3B solar tabber and stringer, a high performance machine with a welding capacity of 720 cells/hour (for strings of 10 cells measuring 156 mm).
Ensure that the solar cells are in the accordance with the national standard. Turn the solar cell front up and view it from different angles. Put the cells that have the same color and size in different groups. Each group should contain at least 36pcs, 60pcs and 72 pcs of solar cells. Put all the groups in the material tray.
Turn the solar cell front up and view it from different angles. Put the cells that have the same color and size in different groups. Each group should contain at least 36pcs, 60pcs and 72 pcs of solar cells. Put all the groups in the material tray. Fill the solar pv production process card and stick a barcode on this card.
Follow the following steps when trimming the solar power system. Start by fitting the solar cell into the trimming platform. Ensure that its back is facing upwards the stretch the platform to a length of 10-20mm. Ensure that you wear your gloves while pressing the solar cell. Let your left hand do the pressing as your right hand holds.