The most prevalent modeling strategy is to apply an equivalent (electrical) circuit that encompasses together non-linear and linear mechanisms. This work proposes the modeling and analysis for a four-parameter two-diode photovoltaic cell model based on the manufacturer's data-sheet.
To develop a specific model of photovoltaic cells, the fundamental requirement is the data of temperature and irradiance. The variation of these variables totally affects the output constraints like current, voltage, and power. Thus, it is substantial to design a precise model of the photovoltaic cell module with a reduced computation period.
The proposed model and modeling method are helpful for power electronic designers who require a fast, accurate, simple, and easy to implement method for use in photovoltaic system simulation.
The electrical equivalent circuit and standard equations of photovoltaic cells are analyzed and the proposed two-diode model is simulated using MATLAB/Simulink software and validated for poly-crystalline and mono-crystalline solar cells under standard test conditions.
In this paper, novel simplifying procedures were discussed and a mathematical model of PV modules was deduced. Proposed model significantly simplified the five-parameter model and was calculated much more easily.
Three types are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the modeling method presented in this paper. Because the open-circuit point (Voc, 0) and short-circuit point (0, Isc) are derived directly from the data given by photovoltaic datasheet, we only need to evaluate the matching accuracy at the different maximum power points. 9.1. CIS thin film