Sold by Newtex and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Battery Heat Barrier Kit reflects over 90 per cent of radiant heat, traps and neutralizes battery acid, protects against corrosion, is recyclable, protects the environment and is inexpensive and easy to install. The Battery Heat Barrier Kit is also available in rolls or mats.
A battery heat shield can improve the performance and increase the life of your car battery by protecting it from excessive under hood temperatures. In today’s automobile landscape, high-performance engines with power adders generate more heat than ever, which can tax your battery’s capabilities and push it to premature failure.
For a similar heat shield we recently designed for a customer, the cost of cutting and forming operations, shop labor to install the heat shield, as well as engineering overhead to design it, would bring the total cost of our hypothetical heat shield to approximately $2,000.
This is a battery shield designed for all kinds of MCU that operate at 5V or 3.3V. It can make a regulated fixed 5V and 3.3V DC voltage to run the development board easily. Special attention: the installation of the battery must be determined positive and negative, the board has been clearly marked positive and negative!