See online quotes for solar panels and batteries! Using our solar cost calculator you can get an online guide price for solar for electricity, hot water, batteries and more online within 3 minutes!
A comprehensive solar panel quote should include system details, costs, energy output, and warranties. Look out for unrealistic promises, hidden fees, lack of transparency, questionable credentials, and unproven technologies. Our service is free and non-binding, allowing you to connect with up to 4 vetted solar panel installers near you in no time.
Getting free solar panel quotes for your UK home is a great first step to ensure you get the best solar panels for your home’s specific needs. Start by reaching out to multiple solar panel installers in your local area, as they usually offer advice free of charge, and request their quotes.
Comparing solar quotes can not only save money by choosing the best deal for you but also reduce hours of your time spent searching for trusted installers. Take the easy route with GreenMatch, as we can connect you with up to 4 solar panel installers from our professional network. Get started by clicking on the button below:
When considering installing solar panels, several aspects of your property influence the quote such as: The orientation and angle of your roof relative to the sun play a crucial role in determining the efficiency and output of the solar panels.
It takes less than three minutes to find out an online quote for solar. Don't miss out on local solar deals - Start here. Solar PV (short for Photovoltaic) panels produce electricity to power your house. They can be mounted on your roof, built-in to your roof as solar tiles, or ground-mounted in your garden.