Elemental Capacitor is definitely a good perk. I recommend it most for Scout Rifles as well as most slow firing primary weapons, they will tend to be able to benefit significantly from either of the Stability or Handling bonus.
Weave chaotic fire and fel energies together to create catastrophic spells, unleashing them in a blaze of devastation. Select a specialization below! Warlocks are the dark arts casters of World of Warcraft, embodying the desire to reach new highs, through the use of demonic powers and summoning demonic minions to aid in their quest for dominance.
Here you will find a quick overview of the specializations Warlock can pick and choose from, with links and in-depth information available to each specs Talents, Builds, Rotation, Gear and much more. Wield dark curses and soul-draining magic to spreading agony and decay, slowly consuming the life of your enemies.
Curse of Elements - Anyone doing Cold or Fire will love you forever when you put this on the boss, since it increases raid DPS. Warlock tanking - Yes, this is a thing. In MC and some other raids, Warlocks need to lock down certain mobs with banishes or things get crazy. Doing Garr without at least 3 warlocks is painful.
Warlocks are interesting when it comes to support and utility. Some of the roles they serve are vital, but those are mostly ‘fire and forget’ abilities. Let me explain. Buffs - Hahahahaha. Yeah, no. Just had to get that out of the way, first. The only buff a warlock can give anyone is water breathing. Healthstones - Your tanks will thank you.
Warlocks, as the beefiest of the spellcasters, get to tank the one immune to physical. Buffs - Hahahahaha. Yeah, no. Just had to get that out of the way, first. The only buff a warlock can give anyone is water breathing.