The European market for capacitors is estimated at $ 2,847. The capacitor markets in North and South America are estimated at $ 2,864 million. In 2019 all types of capacitors were officially passed through the customs of the Russian Federation, according to the customs code 8532*, in the amount of $ 99 million.
In Russia, there are such capacitor-manufacturing plants as Severo-Zadonsky plant, OOO Kuznetsky Zavod Kondensatorov, Nyukon plant, OAO Kulon, OAO Zavod MEZON, OAO NZR Oxid, OAO Polykond, OAO Zavod Recond, OAO Elecond. Actually, this is all the information that you can collected about the market of Russian manufacturers of capacitors.
The russian KBG-MN paper in oil type may be useful as a first capacitor in a CLCLC power supply. Especially if you dabble with mercury vapour rectifiers or other rectifiers with low internal resistance. I tried them as output caps in a DAC just for fun. I liked them. Smooth, but perhaps a little slow.
Polypropylene and metalfoil - hard sintered makes the best caps. If you have those PIOs at hand - use them. You should also know that it is common practice that many so called Audio Quyality caps are standard caps with fancy names and a not so fancy price tag. So propably your Russian caps are "better" than the Mundorf. Whatever "better" means??
Global sales of capacitors by group in 2018. China and Asian markets for capacitors are estimated at $ 14,115 million for fiscal 2018. The Japanese market for capacitors is estimated at $ 2,725 million. The European market for capacitors is estimated at $ 2,847. The capacitor markets in North and South America are estimated at $ 2,864 million.
It's going on 22-23 years, so needs some loving like new e-caps, so might as well overhaul the thing as the inside doesn't look pretty. The russian KBG-MN paper in oil type may be useful as a first capacitor in a CLCLC power supply.