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Are lithium-ion batteries patentable?

To be very clear: This especially means that the lithium-ion battery category does not contain any patent families tagged as solid-state battery inventions. The fourth step’s purpose was to add patent data related to redox-flow and nickel–hydrogen batteries to the dataset.

Which technologies grew in relevance to battery patenting?

We find that several battery-related technologies and applications, such as energy storage systems, battery management systems, wireless power transmission, electric vehicle charging, and uncrewed aerial vehicles (i.e., drones), grew in relevance both in absolute terms and relative to general battery patenting activity.

Are battery patents growing?

Overall, a considerable increase in annual battery patenting activity is observed from 2000–2009 to 2010–2019. Second, we also found that four battery technologies – redox-flow, solid-state, sodium-ion, and lithium–sulfur batteries – have displayed vibrant growth in recent years.

Why is battery patenting a global trend?

We find that global battery patenting activity grew significantly in the 2000–2019 period. This stylized fact means that the comparative advantages of secondary approaches (rechargeable, redeployable, reusable batteries) have been continuously on the rise driven by innovation, making a direct contribution to socio-technical circularity.

Are national battery patent applications considered in IEA & EPO?

Given the IPF constraint deployed for this study and the IEA and EPO report , these solely nationally filed applications are not considered in either one. In fact, in the current study’s dataset, IPFs make up only 19.4% of all battery patent families.

Where do battery patents come from?

The majority of battery patents are found to originate in Asia while high battery patent intensities are revealed in the performance of several Asian and European countries. Overall, a considerable increase in annual battery patenting activity is observed from 2000–2009 to 2010–2019.

10 Patent Highlights in Emerging Battery Technology Innovations

Innovations targeting improvements in lithium-ion batteries focused on alternative metals have boosted patent applications. Promising trends in the battery sector''s …

Battery Patents: Clearing the Way

Speaking to Intercalation, Callum McGuinn explores what has been happening in battery patent oppositions at the European Patent Office (EPO) over the past two decades, …

Innovation in Batteries and Electricity Storage – Analysis

This joint study by the International Energy Agency and European Patent Office underlines the key role that battery innovation is playing in the transition to clean energy …

10 Patent Highlights in Emerging Battery Technology …

Innovations targeting improvements in lithium-ion batteries focused on alternative metals have boosted patent applications. Promising trends in the battery sector''s future are evident in patent filings, as revealed by the …

Status of the Battery Patents

Status of the Battery Patents –2017 Patenting Activity | April 2018 | Ref.: KM18004 KEY FEATURES OF THE REPORT (2/2) •The report also provides an extensive Excel database …

D Young & Co | Battery technology: patent filings and future…

What do the latest patent statistics reveal about innovation in the battery power sector? What are the key areas suitable for patent protection? In this article we explore the …

VRB Energy Lands New Investment with Old Patents

VRB''s batteries have proven successful in many of its projects, but its outdated patent strategy puts the company at a disadvantage compared to top competitors like Largo …

Battery Research and Innovation—A Study of Patents and Papers

Patents were selected using patent classes, in line with a method described and used in an ambitious recent project led by the IEA . The Swedish Intellectual Property Office …

Applying for a patent

EPO''s first joint study with the International Energy Agency underlines the key role that battery innovation is playing in the clean energy transition.


US7807299B2 US10/979,043 US97904304A US7807299B2 US 7807299 B2 US7807299 B2 US 7807299B2 US 97904304 A US97904304 A US 97904304A US 7807299 B2 US7807299 B2 …

Global battery patent report explores advances in …

Patent applications have spiked for sodium and zinc-related battery technology, based on claims of faster charging, longer lifecycle and reduced cost. It said Japanese companies are at the fore of this innovation. …

Intellectual Property for Battery Technology | Potter …

We prepared patent applications for battery safety systems, charging and discharging algorithms, and controlling the drawing of energy from hybrid power systems. High-voltage direct current (HVDC), line-commutated converters …

Innovation in Batteries and Electricity Storage – …

This joint study by the International Energy Agency and European Patent Office underlines the key role that battery innovation is playing in the transition to clean energy technologies. It provides global data and …

Prospects of battery assembly for electric vehicles based on patent ...

The number of patents as the function of patent assignees for (a) cell, (b) module, (c) pack levels. (d) Timeline of technology life cycle for the battery assembly.

Battery innovation and the Circular Economy: What are patents …

This study builds on battery patents that can roughly be characterized in the following way: (1) inventions related to the casing, wrapping, or covering, i.e., non-active parts …

Who Wins in Flow Batteries? We Predict the Owner of ...

Across the country, states are committing to renewable energy storage by funding projects aimed at redox flow batteries as a solution to many power grid issues. Last …

Google Patents

Search within the title, abstract, claims, or full patent document: You can restrict your search to a specific field using field names.. Use TI= to search in the title, AB= for the abstract, CL= for the …

Intellectual Property for Battery Technology | Potter Clarkson

We prepared patent applications for battery safety systems, charging and discharging algorithms, and controlling the drawing of energy from hybrid power systems. High-voltage direct current …

Battery Research and Innovation—A Study of Patents and Papers …

Patents were selected using patent classes, in line with a method described and used in an ambitious recent project led by the IEA . The Swedish Intellectual Property Office …

Status of the Battery Patents

Status of the Battery Patents –2017 Patenting Activity | April 2018 | Ref.: KM18004 KEY FEATURES OF THE REPORT (1/2) •The report provides essential patent data for Battery …

D Young & Co | Battery technology: patent filings and …

What do the latest patent statistics reveal about innovation in the battery power sector? What are the key areas suitable for patent protection? In this article we explore the newest patent trends and gain valuable insights …

Faraday Institution Battery Research Moves to Next …

The aiMAGINE project will augment the ISL with an AI-powered decision engine that calculates optimum depth-of-discharge and charge limits policies for battery management systems, thereby increasing real-world …

Solid-State Battery Developments: A Cross-Sectional Patent …

1 · Solid-state batteries (SSBs) hold the potential to revolutionize energy storage systems by offering enhanced safety, higher energy density, and longer life cycles compared with …

Preview – Lithium-ion Battery High-energy Silicon Anode …

>2.8M patent documents are included in the b-science database published since 1980, which either contain the words ''battery'' or ''batteries'' in the title or abstract, or were …

Battery innovation and the Circular Economy: What are patents …

This analysis of over 90,000 secondary battery innovations (measured by international patent families) provides a comprehensive account of the long-run progress of a knowledge base with …