Adjust your specific gravity reading based on the liquid’s temperature. The specific gravity chart for lead acid batteries assumes a liquid temperature of 80 °F (27 °C). That said, the liquid in your battery probably isn’t at this ideal temperature.
The battery capacity test measures how much capacity (current x time) in ampere-hours, Ah, the battery can deliver before the terminal voltage is reached. The measurement assumes the current flow shall be maintained at a constant rate. For a lead-acid battery, the test time is approximated to be near the battery’s duty cycle.
Charge the battery fully at least 8 hours before testing it. Lead acid batteries recharge in various manners based on their function and manner of installation. For a lead acid vehicle battery, drive the vehicle around for at least 20 minutes. For a lead acid battery connected to solar panels, let the battery charge fully on a sunny day.
Checking an open-cell lead acid battery—that is, a lead acid battery with caps that can be opened to access the liquid inside—with a battery hydrometer is most accurate when the battery is fully charged. Closed-cell lead acid batteries without the access caps cannot be tested this way.
Fortunately, you can easily do a basic health checkup on any type of lead acid battery by hooking it up to a simple-to-use digital voltmeter. If you have an open-cell battery that lets you access the liquid inside, you can do a more rigorous checkup with a battery hydrometer.
In this video, applications engineer Barry Bolling uses a GS610 source measure unit to perform a charge-discharge test on a lead acid battery to show how to test lead acid battery capacity. The GS610 is made up of a programmable current and voltage source, a voltmeter, and an ammeter. Each function can be combined into numerous operation modes.
Source measure units, devices that function both as a power supply and a multimeter/electronic load, are ideal for these types of tests. In this video, applications engineer Barry Bolling uses a GS610 source measure unit to perform a charge-discharge test on a lead acid battery to show how to …