Our solar street lights use the latest LED lighting technologies to guarantee a longer lifespan for your road lighting. They also operate well in cold temperatures, making them the perfect choice for outdoor lighting. Also, unlike traditional lighting, LEDs emit almost no heat, making them safer to change and more energy efficient.
Become energy independent today with Sun-Lite. Our solar street lights use the latest LED lighting technologies to guarantee a longer lifespan for your road lighting. They also operate well in cold temperatures, making them the perfect choice for outdoor lighting.
Solar street lighting is becoming an increasingly attractive and sought-after solution in the UK.
Choosing the right solar street lighting can dramatically reduce installation costs but requires careful consideration. Here’s what to look for: Solar Panel: Check panel power (Watts), size (M²), and efficiency (%). Higher values generally mean better performance. Solar Irradiance: Know the solar power available in your location.
Solar street lighting is an excellent solution for temporary or essential works lighting. Solar lights, using redeployable solutions such as the below concrete blocks, can be installed quickly without the need for a mains connection, providing immediate illumination. This flexibility is beneficial for essential work or emergency repairs.
We have the solution: off-the-grid street lighting. By investing in solar street lights with Sun-Lite Solar, you can cut all ties to the National Grid. Instead, you can generate, store and deliver your own renewable energy. What’s more, if your solar panels produce excess energy on a particularly sunny day, this will be stored inside the batteries.