NdFeB magnet production technologies or appliance design modifications allowing for a reduction in heavy REE (HREE) use are being or have been developed in an effort to minimize REE supply risks − see e.g. Greenfield and Graedel (2013).
NdFeB magnets typically contain 60–70% Fe, 20–30% Nd, 0.5–7% Pr, 0.2–6% Dy, 0.3–1% B, 0.1–0.9% Al, and 0.4–3% Co in the form of Nd 2 Fe 14 B . NdFeB magnets are used at 34.4% for motors and generators; 13.6% for HDDs and DVDs; 10.9% for EVs and E-bikes; and 7.2% for energy production and storage.
NdFeB magnets are used at 34.4% for motors and generators; 13.6% for HDDs and DVDs; 10.9% for EVs and E-bikes; and 7.2% for energy production and storage. Depending on the applications, NdFeB magnets have life cycles, from 2 to 3 years in consumer electronics to 20–30 years in wind turbines.
Afrozu et al. published a comprehensive review on the emerging and recycling of LIBs to aid in energy storage. NdFeB magnet recycling eliminates many dangerous pollution generated while producing primary metals in ore mining, leaching, and SX.
A total REM content of 31% by weight is assumed. Nd and Pr are the two light REE (LREE) presently used in NdFeB magnet production. Up to 25% of Nd required can be replaced by Pr without significant magnetic property losses in some magnets. Regarding HREE, Dy can be replaced by Tb, which allows for better magnetic properties.
In this article, we focus on the current generation of NdFeB permanent magnets, which feature a combination of light and heavy REEs, NdPr, and Dy, respectively. All of these are considered critical REEs; Dy in particular is in short supply.
OverviewPropertiesHistoryGradesProductionApplicationsHazardsSee also
In its pure form, neodymium has magnetic properties—specifically, it is antiferromagnetic, but only at low temperatures, below 19 K (−254.2 °C; −425.5 °F). However, some compounds of neodymium with transition metals such as iron are ferromagnetic, with Curie temperatures well above room temperature. These are used to make neodymium magnets.