Our area of expertise lies in industrial applications such as forklift truck lead acid batteries and we specialize in how to maximize the performance of the batteries to match and even reach beyond the life expectancy of the trucks themselves. In these applications the average guaranteed lifespan of a basic lead acid battery is around 1,500 cycles.
A sealed lead acid battery generally discharges 3% every month. If a SLA battery is allowed to discharge to a certain point, you may end up with sulfation and render your battery useless, never getting the intended life span out of the battery. Sulfation is when the electrolyte in the sealed lead acid battery begins to break down.
To prolong the life of a lead-acid battery, it is essential to follow proper charging and discharging procedures. Overcharging or undercharging can significantly reduce the lifespan of a battery. It is also important to avoid deep discharging the battery as a deep cycle can damage the battery’s plates.
Formula: Lead acid Battery life = (Battery capacity Wh × (85%) × inverter efficiency (90%), if running AC load) ÷ (Output load in watts). Let’s suppose, why non of the above methods are 100% accurate? I won't go in-depth about the discharging mechanism of a lead-acid battery.
Poor management, no monitoring and a lack of both proactive and reactive maintenance can kill a battery in less than 18 months. This can drastically affect the performance of a battery room. However, there are numerous ways to improve and maximize the number of cycles a typical battery will achieve.
Lastly, the temperature also plays a significant role in the lifespan of a lead-acid battery. High temperatures can accelerate the aging process of the battery, while low temperatures can reduce the battery’s capacity. Therefore, it is important to store the battery in a cool and dry place.