To avoid the above drawbacks,the patch antennas are employed for incorporating withsolar cells because of their low cost and ease of fabrica-tion, and easy integration with circuit components. Also,circular polarization can be easily achieved which is notthe case for the dipole antennas.
A solar cell sta-cked slot-loaded suspended microstrip patch antenna withmultiband resonance characteristics for WLAN and Wi-MAXsystems.Prog Electromagn Res. 2013;142:321-332. Yurduseven O, Smith D. Solar cell stacked dual-polarized patchantenna for 5.8 GHz band WiMAX network. Electron Lett.2013;49(24):1514-1515.
and super solar integrated patch antennas, intended toapprehend its behavioral trends in real-time scenarios.In addition, unique analogy about various assessmentmetrics associated with the microwave patch antenna,conversion efficiencies and quantity of energy generatedby solar cells are explored and tabulated.
An X band patch antenna integrated withcommercial triple-junction space solar cells. Microw OptTechnol Lett. 2017;59(2):260-265. Yekan T, Baktur R. An experimental study on the effect of com-mercial triple junction solar cells on patch antennas integratedon their cover glass.Prog Electromagn Res C. 2016;63:131-142.
Usually, rectenna con-sists of a RF receiving antenna and a rectifying circuit.There are two methods to integrate the antenna with asolar cell for energy harvesting. First, one is autono-mous integration of antenna with a solar cell, in whichsolar cell is a separate power source.
Theanalysis of microstrip patch antennas is complicated bythe presence of dielectric inhomogeneity, inhomogeneousboundary conditions, narrow frequency band characteris-tics, and a wide variety of feed, patch shape, and sub-strate configurations.