Photovoltaic (PV) energy production is one of the most promising and mature technologies for renewable energy production. PV technology is environmentally friendly and has become a popular means of generating power.
Policies and ethics The manufacturing processes of the different photovoltaic technologies are presented in this chapter: Crystalline silicon solar cells (both mono- and multi-crystalline), including silicon purification and crystallization processes; thin film solar cells (amorphous...
The evolution of the solar PV industry so far has been remarkable, with several milestones achieved in recent years in terms of installations (including off-grid), cost reductions and technological advancements, as well as establishment of key solar energy associations (Figure 5).
Recycling of photovoltaic modules concerns mainly silicon (Si) and Silver (Ag). Silicon (Si) is around 3.65% and the removal of silicon (Si) comprises many energy-intensive processes. Silver (Ag) is the most costly element used in a solar cell but the quantity is < 1% .
Currently, thin-film technology accounts for only 5% of the global solar PV market, while silicon-based solar modules still hold approximately 95% of the global PV module market (GlobalData, 2018).
The life-cycle stages of PV involve the production of raw materials (i.e. quartz sand for Si PV; Zn- and Cu-ores for CdTe PV), and their processing and purification, the manufacture of modules and BOS components, the installation and use of the systems, and their decommissioning and disposal or recycling (Fig. 1). Fig. 1.