Lithium-ion batteries are particularly sensitive to overcharging and discharging, so avoid charging more than 100% or discharging less than 20%. Charging when the battery power drops to about 30% is recommended. Keeping battery power between 40-80% can slow down the battery’s cycle age. 2. Control charging time
It is recommended to use the CCCV charging method for charging lithium iron phosphate battery packs, that is, constant current first and then constant voltage. The constant current recommendation is 0.3C. The constant voltage recommendation is 3.65V. Are LFP batteries and lithium-ion battery chargers the same?
The solution is the method described above: jump the sleeping LiFePO4 battery with another battery or power source of identical nominal voltage until it wakes up. At that point, it will start reading a voltage in its normal voltage range, and your lithium battery charger should start charging it like normal.
If you’re charging your battery with a lithium battery charger, connect your charger and it should start charging normally. Fully charge your battery. Most 12V LiFePO4 batteries are fully charged at 14.4-14.6 volts. Once it’s charged, you can again use your battery like normal.
Avoid Lead-Acid Chargers: It’s crucial to avoid using lead-acid battery chargers with LiFePO4 batteries, as they can damage the battery. Once you’ve selected the right charger, follow these steps for safe and efficient charging:
Connect the Charger: Start by connecting the charger to the battery, ensuring that the positive and negative terminals are correctly matched—positive to positive and negative to negative.