This work describes an improved risk assessment approach for analyzing safety designs in the battery energy storage system incorporated in large-scale solar to improve accident prevention and mitigation, via incorporating probabilistic event tree and systems theoretic analysis. The causal factors and mitigation measures are presented.
To reduce the safety risk associated with large battery systems, it is imperative to consider and test the safety at all levels, from the cell level through module and battery level and all the way to the system level, to ensure that all the safety controls of the system work as expected.
Lithium-ion battery energy storage system (BESS) has rapidly developed and widely applied due to its high energy density and high flexibility. However, the frequent occurrence of fire and explosion accidents has raised significant concerns about the safety of these systems.
As the most fundamental energy storage unit of the battery storage system, the battery safety performance is an essential condition for guaranteeing the reliable operation of the energy storage power plant. LIBs are usually composed of four basic materials: cathode, anode, diaphragm and electrolyte .
Battery Energy Storage System accidents often incur severe losses in the form of human health and safety, damage to the property and energy production losses.
Bat-tery Energy Storage Systems, along with more complex controller designs are required to ensure reliable opera-tion of the power system network, incurring additional expenditure to operate a large-scale solar farm (Haje-forosh et al., 2020).