The most common and easiest connection method for a capacitor onto a bus bar is a screw or bolt on connection. Soldering or spot welding connection methods can also be used, but they greatly increase the cost and complexity of the design. In sum, the bus bar design starts along with the power electronics converter design.
Copper bus systems like the DC-link bus systems in inverter assemblies maximize high current transmission, minimize power losses and provide a high level of heat transfer. However, connecting the busbar systems to either components like DC-link capacitors or to the input of the power module has, up until recently, been a difficult process.
Depending on the thickness of the copper, it may be prudent to thicken the dielectric material to minimize the impact of swarf when pressing the sheets together. A rule of thumb for bus bar design is to not allow the current density to exceed 5A/mm2 .
The laminated structure of the bus bar creates a high frequency capacitor that helps mitigate the noise propagation , , though this unintended filter is likely not enough to completely remove the issue. An unavoidable result of fast switching devices is the high frequency harmonics, termed Electromagnetic Interfer-ence (EMI) .
Although busbar systems should normally be designed for lowest lifetime cost – which means a lower working temperature to reduce waste energy costs – the ability of copper to maintain its mechanical properties at higher temperatures provides extra capacity and safety during short circuit conditions.
Eficient joints in copper busbar conductors can be made very simply by bolting, clamping, riveting, soldering or welding. Bolting and clamping are used extensively on-site. Shaped busbars may be prefabricated by using friction stir welding. Bolted joints are formed by overlapping the bars and bolting through the overlap area.
More details about Bus bar: What is Busbar Current Carrying Capacity Calculation 5 Types of Busbar Busbar current Calculator working: As the stated thumb rule that the aluminium carries 0.8 times of the area, copper will be 1.2 times, silver will be 1.6 times, iron and GI …