I personally recommend the Sika flex 252 for numerous different situations, and securing your flexible solar panels to your RV’s roof is one of them. I also recommend using the Sika flex 212 product range as it is specifically formulated and advertised as a flexible solar panel adhesive.
For installing solar panels on a caravan, Sikaflex 252 is the adhesive we would recommend. This adhesive is specifically suitable for this job and will provide the best result, even when the caravan experiences bumping and banging.
Assuming you have allocated a spot for the solar panel on the roof of your RV, we are now going to mark the position of the unistruts on your roof. Place your solar panel in the spot you have allocated on your roof, and with a pencil mark the holes in the brackets on the roof. Move the panel to a safe place.
Solar Panels are a crucial component of the RV solar power system geared for the off-the-grid van life; if you say freedom, we say solar power! Flexible solar panels are lighter, usually easier to install, and don’t reduce your car’s aerodynamic. Flexible solar panels, being frameless, require adhesives to affix them to the roof of an RV.
To stick down a flexible solar panel, you’ll need to ensure that the adhesive is strong enough to hold up against all types of weather. They are usually attached using an adhesive made specifically for this task.
Use a decent quality metal spray paint in white. A couple of coats is usually sufficient. (Obviously don’t spray the taped side) Assuming you have allocated a spot for the solar panel on the roof of your RV, we are now going to mark the position of the unistruts on your roof.