It is likely that solid-state batteries will adopt manufacturing approaches from both the solid oxide fuel cell and conventional battery manufacturing community. Ultimately, advanced coating technologies are necessary to achieve control over microstructure, interfaces, and form factor.
The manufacturing approach for solid-state batteries is going to be highly dependent on the material properties of the solid electrolyte. There are a range of solid electrolytes materials currently being examined for solid-state batteries and generally include polymer, sulfide, oxides, and/or halides (Fig. 2 a).
SAN JOSE, Calif., December 05, 2024 -- (BUSINESS WIRE)-- QuantumScape Corporation (NYSE: QS), a leader in solid-state lithium-metal battery technology, today announced that next-generation heat treatment equipment for its separator production process, Cobra, has been developed, delivered, installed and released for initial separator processing.
Similar to conventional battery systems, solid-state batteries require processing and manufacturing approaches for anodes, cathodes, and electrolytes. Unlike conventional battery systems, solid state batteries require unique materials processing conditions (temperature and pressure).
This perspective highlights the state-of-the-art for solid-state battery manufacturing approaches and highlights the importance of utilizing conventional battery manufacturing approaches for achieving price parity in the near term. Decreasing material costs and improving cell architecture (biploar) may further decrease manufacturing costs.
For solid-state batteries to be a cost-effective alternative to conventional lithium ion batteries, it is critical to achieve processing speeds exceeding 20 m/min and incorporate energy dense anodes. M.B. Dixit, W. Zaman, Y. Bootwala, Y. Zheng, M.C. Hatzell, K.B. Hatzell, Scalable manufacturing of hybrid solid electrolytes with interface control.