In addition, the RCS approach will provide a digital solution for a battery passport that meets all requirements of the EU Battery Regulation and that allows traceability within a supply chain and that protects commercial data at the same time. If you are interested in learning more about Claritas, please reach out to us.
What is the Battery Passport? The Battery Passport is a technology platform that enables all stakeholders in the supply and value chains to share information about a battery and its history to maximize safety, optimize battery use throughout lifecycles and ensure responsible recycling at end of life.
By February 2027, battery manufacturers will need to label their batteries with a QR code that provides access to a battery product passport, including details regarding due diligence, carbon footprint and recycled content.
Battery supply chain due diligence requirements: As of 12 months after the proposed Battery Regulation update is implemented, companies selling EV and industrial batteries on the EU market must conduct supply chain due diligence to mitigate social and environmental risks.
Traditional methods of accomplishing documented, verified, and responsible sourcing of critical battery minerals from the mine involve manual efforts of gathering data, measuring and calculating impacts and in-depth audits where thousands of individual documents must be gathered and analyzed.
Battery passports will require input from The 2022 amendment to Article 69 states that “businesses should actively remedy harm caused by themselves or in cooperation with other actors even when due diligence has been carried out. Such operators should be liable for any adverse impact within their control that they caused or contributed to.”